1. Block, R. J., and K. W. Weiss : Amino Acid Handbook. Methods and Results of Protein Analysis. Springfield 1956.
2. Fox, S. W., and J. F. Foster: Introduction to Protein Chemistry. New York 1957.
3. Harvey, D. : Tables of the Amino Acids in Foods and Feedingstuffs. Bucksburn, Aberdeen (Scotland) 1956.
4. Neurath, H., and K. Bailey : The Proteins. Chemistry, biological Activity, and Methods. Vol. I/A u. I/B (1953) ; Vol. II/A u. II/B. New York 1954.
5. Waldschmidt-Leitz, E.: Chemie der Eiweißkörper. 2. umgearb. Aufl. Stuttgart 1957.