1. H. Becker, Some theorems and questions about some natural examples in descriptive set theory Xeroxed Notes, 1984
2. H. Becker, Descriptive set theoretic phenomena in analysis and topology Set Theory of the Continuum (H.Judah, W. Just and H. Woodin, eds.) Springer-Verlag, 1992, pp. 1–25.
3. H. Becker, Path-connectedness, simple connectedness and descriptive set theory,info in preparation.
4. H. Becker and A.S. Kechris, The Descriptive Set Theory of Polish Group Actions, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series,Cambridge University Press, to appear
5. J.P. Burgess, Equivalences generated by families of Borel sets, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 69 (1978), pp. 323–326.