1. von Savigny’s first utterance of his views appeared in 1814 in his famous vom Beruf unserer Zeit für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft as a reaction to Thibaut’s proposal of codification of German law on the lines of Code Napolion in France although his refined and final version appeared in his System of Modern Roman Law (1840).
2. Dicey AV: Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, 330 (10th ed, 1959).
3. Dicey AV: The Development of Administrative Law in England, 31 L Q Rev 148 (1915), reproduced in his above cited work at 493 ff.
4. See, for example, Schwartz B, Wade HWR: Legal Control of Government (1972) to note the difference between the US and British administrative law.
5. Wade HWR: Administrative Law, 5 (5th ed, 1982).