1. Abel, J. J., E. A. Evans and B. Hampil: Researches on tetanus. V. Distribution and fate of tetanus toxin in the body. Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp. 59, 307–392 (1936).
2. B. Hampil, A. F. Jonas and W. Chalian: Researches on tetanus. Vii. The time required for the fixation of a fatal quantity of tetanus toxin; Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp. 62, 522–563 (1938 a).
3. B. Hampil, A. F. Jonas and W. Chalian: Researches on tetanus. Vii. the return passage of toxin by way of the lymphatic capillaries to the cardiovascular system; Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp. 62, 522–563 (1938 a).
4. B. Hampil, A. F. Jonas and W. Chalian: Researches on tetanus. Vii. the return passage as the basis of a method for the approximate determination of the volume of lymph in the closed lymphatic system. Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp. 62, 522–563 (1938 a).
5. B. Hampil, A. F. Jonas and W. Chalian, and W. Chalian: Researches on tetanus. Viii. At what point in the course of tetanus does antitetanic serum fail to save life ? Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp. 62, 610–633 (1938b).