1. Xie Y.H., Fitzgerald E.A. and Mii Y.J., J. Appl. Phys.
70 (1991) 3223.
2. Bean J.C., Proc. of IEEE
80 (1992) 571.
3. Canham L.T., Appl. Phys. Lett.
57 (1990) 1046.
4. Recent symposia proceedings include Microcrystalline Semiconductors: Materials Sciences and Devices,Symp. Proc. Vol. 283 edited by P.M. Fauchet, C.C. Tsai, L.T. Canham, I. Shimizu and Y. Aoyagi (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1993); Light Emission from Silicon,edited by J.C. Vial, L.T.Canham and W. Lang, J. of Luminesc. 57 1–6 (1993).
5. Cullis A.G. and Canham L T, Nature
353 (1991) 335.