1. Gerhold, T.; Galle, M.; Friedrich, O.; Evans, J.; 1997: ”Calculation of Complex Three-Dimensional Configurations Employing the DLR-TAU-Code”, AIAA paper 97-0167.
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3. Mavriplis, D.J.: ”Adaptative Meshing Techniques for Viscous Flow Calculations on Mixed Element Unstructured Meshes”, ICASE Report No. 97-20.
4. Ronzheimer, A.; Brodersen, O.; Monsen, E.; Rudnik, R.; Rossow, C.C.: ”Numerical Calculations of Aerodynamic Coefficients for the DLR-F6 Configuration with MEGAFLOW”, To be presented at the DGLR-Fach-Symposium, Strömungen mit Ablösung, Berlin, Nov, 10–12, 1998.
5. Schwamborn, D.; Gerhold, T.; Hannemann, V.: ”On the Validation of the DLR-TAU Code”, To be presented at the DGLR-Fach-Symposium, Strömungen mit Ablösung, Berlin, Nov, 10–12, 1998.