1. A.J. Bayes, J. Kautsky and J.W. Wamsley, “Computation in nilpotent groups (application)”, these Proc.
2. John J. Cannon, “Computing local structure of large finite groups”, Computers in algebra and nurber theory, pp. 161–176 (SIAM-AMS Proceedings, 4. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, Rhode Island, 1971 ).
3. John J. Cannon, “Construction of defining relators for finite groups”, Discrete Math. 5 (1973), 105–129.
4. John J. Cannon, Lucien A. Dimino, George Havas and Jane M. Watson, “Implementation and analysis of the Todd-Coxeter algorithm”, Math. Corso. 27 (1973), 463-490.
5. John J. Cannon, Robyn Gallagher and Kim McAllister, “Stackhander; A scheme for processing packed dynamic arrays (Technical Report, 5, Computer-Aided Mathematics Project, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Sydney, Sydney, November, 1972 ).