1. Accepted Apparatus. Council on Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, J.A.M.A. 1953.
2. A Guide for Conservation of Hearing in Industry. American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology. Subcommittee on Noise in Industry of the Committee on Conservation of Hearing. Los Angeles.
3. American Standard Acoustical Terminology, Z24.1 New York, American Standards Association, Inc. (ASA). 1951
4. Atkinson, M.: Tinnitus aurium, some considerations concerning its origin and treatment. A.M.A. Arch. Otolarygn. 45: 68, 1948.
5. Bergman, M.: The audiology clinic: A manual for planning a clinic for the rehabilitation of the acoustically handicapped. Acta oto-laryng., Supp. 89. 1950.