1. (mit Verweisen auf die Bibliographien bei Ford 1920 und Ries 1985)
2. Neville, Henry. 1668a. The Isle of Pines, or, A late Discovery of a Fourth Island in Terra Australia, Incognita. London: Allen Banks and Charles Harper, 27. Juni [Ford #2]. https://www.proquest.com/books/isle-pines-late-discovery-fourth-island-terra/docview/2240863424/se-2?accountid=14596, Zugriff: 7. März 2022.
3. Neville, Henry. 1668b. A New and further Discovery of The Islle [sic] of Pines In A Letter from Cornelius Van Sloetton a Dutch-man (who first discovered the same in the Year, 1667.) to a Friend of his in London. London: Allen Banks and Charles Harper 1668 [Ford #4]. Early English Books Online, ProQuest 2019. Expl. der Huntington Library, https://www.proquest.com/books/new-further-discovery-islle-sic-pines-letter/docview/2248553236, Zugriff: 7. März 2022.
4. Neville, Henry. 1668c. The Isle of Pines or A late Discovery of a fourth Island near Terra Australis, Incognita by Henry Cornelius Van Sloetten. London: Allen Banks and Charles Harper, 27. Juli 1668 [Ford #5]. Early English Books Online, ProQuest 2019. Expl. der Bodleian Library, https://www-proquest-com.emedien.ub.uni-muenchen.de/books/isle-pines-late-discovery-fourth-island-near/docview/2240947801/se-2?accountid=14596, Zugriff: 7. März 2022.
5. Neville, Henry. 1668d. Ontdeckinge van’t Eylandt van Pines […]. Amsterdam: Jacob Vinckel 1668 [Ford #11]. Expl. der UB Leiden, https://books.google.de/books?vid=KBNL:UBL000025845, Zugriff: 7. März 2022.