1. Keynote Address, Conference on Academic and Related Research Programs in Computing Science, 5–8 June 1967; publ. in University Education in Computing Science, ed. Aaron Finerman (New York, 1968), 7. Renowned for his work in information theory, Pierce at the time was Executive Director of Research, Communications Sciences Division, Bell Telephone Laboratories.
2. Herbert Simon, The Sciences of the Artificial (Cambridge, Mass., 1969; 2nded. 1981, 3rded. 1996).
3. Let me leave aside for the moment questions about how much “nature” ever presents itself to us directly.
4. Marvin Minsky, “Form and Content in Computer Science” (1969 Turing Award), ACM Turing Award Lectures: The First Twenty Years, 1966–1985 (New York, 1987), 219–42.
5. ACM Turing Award Lectures;A Newell,1975