1. G. AdIer-Karlsson, “The Semi-Developed Soviet Economy — a Foreign Trade Illustration.” Economics of Planning, No. 1, 1966.
2. Role of Giant Corporations. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Monopoly of the Select Committee on Small Business. United States Senate. Part 2. Corporate Secrecy. November 9 and 12, 1971, Washington 1972.
3. “Claire Sterling from Rome”. International Herald Tribune, February 20, 1974.
4. D. P. Calleo and B. M. Rowland, America and the World Political Economy. Indiana University Press, 1973. p. 191.
5. W. Nordhaus and J. Tobin, “Is Growth Obsolete?” from Economic Growth, Fiftieth Anni versary Colloquium V, National Bureau of Economic Research, New York 1972.