1. Arrow, Kenneth: “Economic Equilibrium,” and “Pareto Efficiency With Costly Transfers.” General Equilibrium Collected Papers: Volume
2, Oxford (Basil Blackwell) 1983.
2. For a list of the axioms see Kenneth J. Arrow, F.H. Hahn: General Competitive Analysis, San Francisco (Holden-Day, Inc. ), 1971, 78–79.
3. David Gauthier: Morals by Agreement,New York (Oxford University Press) 1986, p. 83.
4. Bhaskar, Roy: Realist Theory of Science, New Jersey (Humanities Press Inc.) 1978, pp. 36–37.
5. Marx, Karl: Grundrisse: Introduction to the Critique of Political Economy, ed. by Quintin Hoare and translated by Martin Nicolaus. Baltimore (Penguin Books) 1973, p. 156.