1. Kay I. (1955): The inverse scattering problem, Research Report No. EM. 74. NY, N.Y. University, Inst. Math. Sc. Electromagnetic Research (section XVII.H)
2. Krein M. G. (1953a): On the transfer function of a one-dimensional boundary problem of second order, Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR 88, 405–408, [Math. Rev. 15, 316 (1954)] (sections III.H, IV.H, IX. 2, XVII.H, Foreword )
3. Moses H. E. (1956): Calculation of the scattering potential from reflection coefficients, Phys. Rev. 102, 2, 559–567 (sections I II. H, XVILH, Foreword )
4. Kay I., and Moses H. E. (1957): The determination of the scattering potential from the spectral measure functions, IV “Pathological” scattering problems in one-dimension, Il Nuovo Cimento Suppl. (ser. 10) 5, 230–242 (section XVII.H, Foreword)
5. Bloch A. Sh. (1953): On the determination of a differential equation by its spectral matrix functions, Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR 92, 209–212 (section III.H)