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2. Anderson, W.M.E.: Observations on P. papatasii in the Peshawar District. I. Indian J. med. Res. 27, 537 (1939).
3. ~ Sandfly Fever (Correspondence). Lancet 613 (1947).
4. Anderson, W.M.E. C.G. Pandit, R. Sanjiva Rao, and H.E. Shortt: Guindy Report of the King Institute for Year Ending Sept. 30, 1939, p. 34-37. Sandfly Fever Enquiry under the Director, King Institute, Guindy.
5. Andreev, L.A.: Contribution to the Question of Sandflies and Sandfly Fever in the Province of Alma-Ata. Izv. kazakh. Fil. Akad. Nauk. Alma-Ata, Ser. zool. 2, 30 (1943). Summary in English taken from Rev. appl. Entomol., Ser. B 35, No. 7, 111.