1. Bartoš, Milan: UN Doc A/CN.4/160 and Corr. 1, Memorandum, Yearbook of the International Law Commission (1963, II), S. 293-297
2. Bedjaoui, Mohammed: UN Doc A/CN.4/ 226, Third Report on Succession of States in Respect of Matters other than Treaties, Yearbook of the International Law Commission (1971, II), S. 131-169
3. Bedjaoui, Mohammed: UN Doc A/CN.4/204 and Corr. 1, First Report on Succession of States in Respect of Rights and Duties resulting from Sources other than Treaties, Yearbook of the International Law Commission (1968, II), S. 94-117
4. Bedjaoui, Mohammed: UN Doc A/CN.4/216/REV.1, Second Report on Succession of States in Respect of Matters other than Treaties, Yearbook of the International Law Commission (1969, II), S. 69-100
5. Bedjaoui, Mohammed: UN Doc A/CN.4/322 and Corr. 1 & Add. 1 & 2, Eleventh Report on Succession of States in Respect of Matters other than Treaties, Yearbook of the International Law Commission (1979, II, 1), S. 67-124