1. On the development of these mechanisms see R. Wolfrum, “Means of Ensuring Compliance with and Enforcement of International Environmental Law”, RdC 271 (1998), 7 et seq.
2. E. Brown Weiss, “Understanding Compliance with International Environmental Agreements: The Baker’s Dozen Myths”, Univ. Richmond L. R. 32 (1999), 1555.
3. See for example B. Lukitsch Hicks, “Treaty Congestion in International Environmental Law: The Need for Greater International Coordination”, Univ. Richmond L. R. 32 (1999), 1643 et seq.
4. See, however, J.B. Mus, "Conflicts Between Treaties in International Law", NILR 45 (1998) 208 et seq.
5. M. Zuleeg, "Vertragskonkurrenz im Völkerrecht - Teil I: Verträge zwischen souveränen Staaten", GYIL 20 (1977), 246 et seq.