1. U. S. Pat. No. 2203868, 1940.
2. Ogura, T., Ueda, T., 1958, Production of Stepped Hollow Shafts by Liquid Bulging (I) – Relationship between
the Hydraulic Pressure and the Bulge (in Japanese), Reports of the Government Industrial Research Institute, Nagoya,
(Nagoya-kogyo-gijutu-shikenjo-hokoku), The Government Industrial Research Institute, Nagoya, Japan, 7-2,
3. Ogura, T., Ueda, T., 1958, Production of Stepped Hollow Shafts by Liquid Bulging (II) – Relationship
between Hydraulic Pressure and Length of Stepped Part (in Japanese), Reports of the Government Industrial Research
Institute, Nagoya, (Nagoya-kogyo-gijutu-shikenjo-hokoku), The Government Industrial Research Institute, Nagoya, Japan, 7-10,
4. Ogura, T., Ueda, T., Ishikawa, M., 1959, Production of Stepped Hollow Shafts by Liquid Bulging (III) –
Lubricants and Frictional Force in Liquid Bulging (in Japanese), Reports of the Government Industrial Research Institute,
Nagoya, (Nagoya-kogyo-gijutu-shikenjo-hokoku), The Government Industrial Research Institute, Nagoya, Japan, 8-9,
5. Ogura, T., Ueda, T., Ishikawa, M., 1962, Production of Stepped Hollow Shafts by Liquid Bulging (IV) –
Anti-Friction Performance of Lubricants (in Japanese), Reports of the Government Industrial Research Institute, Nagoya,
(Nagoya-kogyo-gijutu-shikenjo-hokoku), The Government Industrial Research Institute, Nagoya, Japan, 11-3,