Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Reference32 articles.
1. Following E. Kamke: Math. Z. 48, 67–100 (1942), who called the two types of boundary condition "wesentlich" and "restlich". Biezeno-Grammel: Tech-nische Dynamik, Vol. I, 2nd ed., p. 136, Berlin 1953, uses a different terminology; from mechanical ideas he derives the terms “geometrische” and “dynamische” for boundary conditions in second- and fourth-order problems corresponding to our “essential” and “suppressible”, respectively.
2. For the whole of this section see, for example, G. Schulz: Formelsammlung zur praktischen Mathematik. Sammlung Göschen, Vol. 1110. Leipzig and Berlin 1945;
3. Fr. A. Willers: Methoden der praktischen Analysis, 2nd ed. Berlin 1950, particularly p. 76 et seq.
4. Steffensen, J. F.: Interpolation, p. 29. Baltimore 1927.
5. Different proofs are given by S. Hermite: Œuvres 3, 438 (1912). — Kowalewski, G.: Dtsch. Math. 6, 349–351 (1942). — Obreschkoff, N.: Abh. Preuss. Akad. Wiss., Math.-naturw. Kl. 1940, Nr. 4, 1–20.