1. K. Armbruster, P. Martini, G. Nehr, U. Rembold and W. Olzmann, ‘A very fast vision system for recognising ports and their locations and orientation’, Proc. 9th Int. Symp. Industrial Robots, pp. 265–280, Washington, DC, USA, SME, March 1979.
2. G. Nehr and P. Martini, ‘Recognition of angular orientation of objects with the help of optical sensors’, The Industrial Robot, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 62–69 (June 1979).
3. K. Feldman, et. al. ‘Einsatz des Siemens-Industrieroboters zur Maschinenbeschickung’, Proc. 8th Int. Symp. Industrial Robots, pp. 841–849, Stuttgart, Germany, IFS (Publications ) (May 1978).
4. H. Becker and G. Leusch, ‘Freiprogrammierbare Steuerung für Industrieroboter’, Siemens-Zeitschrift Vol. 51 No. 6, pp. 463 (1977).