1. ACZEL, J.: Some Recent Applications of Functional Equations to Combinatorics, Probability Distributions, Information Measures and to the Theory of Index Numbers in Mathematical Economics. This volume.
2. ACZEL, J., and Z. DARóCZY: On Measures of Information and Their Characterizations. Mathematics in Science and Engineering Series, Vol. 115. Academic Press, New York-San Francisco-London 1975.
3. ACZEL, J., and W. EICHHORN: A Note on Additive Indices. Journal of Economic Theory 8, 1974a, 525–529.
4. ACZEL, J., and W. EICHHORN: Systems of Functional Equations Determining Price and Productivity Indices. Utilitas Mathe-matica 5, 1974b, 213–226.
5. AFRIAT, S.N.: On Wald’s “New Formula” for the Cost of Living. This volume.