1. Reiss, I. L. 1970. The influence of contraceptive knowledge on premarital sexuality. Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, 14:75. By permission of Hospital Publications, Inc.
2. See, for example: Croak, J. W., and James, B. E. 1973. A four-year comparison of premarital sexual attitudes. Journal of Sex Research, 9:91–96.
3. See for example: Kirkendall, L. A. 1961. Sex Drive, in Ellis, A. and Arbarbanel, A. (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Sexual Behavior, New York: Hawthorne Books.
4. Kaufman, S. A. 1971. Menopause and sex. Sexual Behavior, 1:60. By permission of Interpersonal Publications.
5. Kronhausen, P., and Kronhausen, E. 1964. The Sexually Responsive Woman, New York: Grove Press, Inc. By permission of Grove Press, Inc.