1. G. A. Cohen, Analysis of multicircuit shells of revolution by the field method, Comp. Meths. Appl. Mech. Eng. 8, 301–318 (1976).
2. D. Bushneil, Stress, stability, and vibration of complex branched shells of revolution: analysis and user’s manual for B0S0R4, NASA CR-2116 (1972).
3. G. A. Cohen, User document for computer programs for ring-stiffened shells of revolution, NASA CR-2086 (1973).
4. V. Svalbonas, Numerical analysis of stiffened shells of revolution, NASA CR-2273 (1973).
5. G.A. Cohen, FASOR — A second generation shell of revolution code, Computers and Structures 10 301–309 (1979).