1. Alimov, Sh. A. (1973): Uniform convergence and summability of spectral expansions of functions in (math). Differ. Uravn. P, No. 4, 669–681. English translation: Differ. Equations P, 509–517 (1975), Zbl. 259.35064.
2. Alimov, Sh. A. (1974): On the localization of spectral decompositions. Differ. Uravn. 10, No. 4, 744–746. English translation: Differ. Equations 10, 576–578 (1975), Zbl.284.35059.
3. Alimov, Sh. A. (1976): On spectral decompositions of functions in (math) Mat. Sb., Nov. Ser. 101, No. 1, 3–21. English translation: Math. USSR, Sb. 30, 1–16 (1978), Zbl. 344.46069.
4. Alimov, Sh. A. (1978): On expanding continuous functions from Sobolev classes in eigen-functions of Laplace operator. Sib. Math. Zh. IP, No. 1, 721–734. English translation: Sib. Math. J. 19, 507–517 (1979), Zbl. 397.47023.
5. Alimov, Sh. A., I’lin, V. A., and Nikishin, E. M. (1976/77): Questions of convergence of multiple trigonometric series and spectral decompositions. Usp. Mat. Nauk 31, No. 6, 28–83;