1. Amaya, W3C’s Editor/Browser, www.w3.org /Amaya.
2. Axiom interface to OpenMath. OpenMath ESPRIT Deliverable, 2000, www.nag.co.uk /projects/OpenMath/final/nodel0.htm.
3. A. E. Brouwer. Coding theory server, for bounds on the minimum distance of q-wry linear codes, q = 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, http://www.win.tue.nl /~aeb/ voorlincod.html.
4. O. Caprotti, A. M. Cohen, and M. Riem. Java Phrasebooks for Computer Algebra and Automated Deduction. SIGSAM Bulletin, 2000. Special Issue on Open-Math.
5. O. Caprotti and A.M. Cohen. Connecting proof checkers and computer algebra using OpenMath, pp. 109-112 in The 12th International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (Y. Bertot, G. Dowek, A. Hirschowitz, C. Paulin, L. Théry eds.) Nice, France, September 1999. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1690.