1. R.E. Kalman, “The theory of optimal control and the calculus of variations in mathematical optimization techniques,” Mathematical Optimization Techniques, ed. R. Bellman, pp 309–331, Univ of Calif Press, 1963
2. T. Kailath, “Adaptive matched filters,” ibid. pp 109–140
3. R.E. Kalman, “A new approach to linear filtering and prediction problems,” J Basic Eng, Vol 82, pp 34 – 45, Mar 1960
4. R.E. Kalman and R.S. Bucy, “New results in linear filtering and prediction theory,” Trans ASME, Ser D, J Basic Eng, Vol 83, pp 95 – 107, Dec 1961
5. J.P. Schalkwijk and T. Kailath, “Coding with wideband additive noise channels with feedback, part I: no bandwidth limitation,” IEEE Trans on Inform Thy, Vol IT-12, pp 172 – 182, April 1966