1. Tunable Solid State Lasers, Proc. of the First Internat. Conf., La Jolla, Calif., June 13–15, 1984. Ed. by P. Hammerling, A. B. Budgor and A. Pinto, Springer Series in Optical Sci. Vol 47, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokio 1985.
2. P. F. Moulton, Optics News 6, 9 (1982).
3. P. F. Moulton, Laser Focus, p. 83, May 1983.
4. B. K. Sevastyanov et al., Kristallographia (Sov) 29, 963 (1984).
5. P. F. Moulton, ref. 1, p. 4.