1. Müller, H. L.: Frequenz 11 (195 7) 344. This approximation involved calculating TBL and TLB on the basis of the field variables of the primary wave field, using the formulas that apply for non-eccentric blocking masses; this amounts to assuming that the energy lost to secondary wavefields of the other type always is small.
2. Wagner, K. W.: Arch. Elektrotechn. 8 (1919) 61.
3. Wigge, H.: Z. techn. Physik 2 (1921) 302.
4. Boerger, G., Cremer, L.: Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Acoustics, Copenhagen (1962) N 15.
5. Cremer, L., Leilich, H. O.: Arch. elektr. Übertr. 7 (1953) 265.