1. Draper, C. S., W. Wrigley, and L. E. Grohe: The Floating Integrating Gyro and its Application to Geometrical Stabilization Problems on Moving Bases, IAS preprint No. 503, January 24–27, 1955.
2. Fuller, Dudley D.: Gas-Lubricated Bearings, First International Symposium, Office of Naval Research, Department of the Navy, ACR-49, Washington, D.C.
3. General Electric Co.: Gas Bearing Gyro Analysis, Contract NAS 8–2588, Progress Report No. 3, Pittsfield, Mass., March and May 1962.
4. Magnus, K.: Anwendung nicht-linearer Schwingungen, VDI-Bericht No. 48, 1961.
5. Mechanical Technology Incorporated Status Report for Analysis of “NASA” AB-5 Air Bearing, July 1, 1962.