1. Demailly, J.-P.: Estimations L
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2. Demailly, J.-P.: Singular hermitian metrics on positive line bundles in Proceedings of the Bayreuth conference “Complex algebraic varieties”, April 2–6, 1990, edited by K. Hulek, T. Peternell, M. Schneider, E. Schreyer, Lecture Notes in Math. n° 1507, Springer-Verlag, (1992).
3. Demailly, J.-P.: A numerical criterion for very ample line bundles. Prépublication no 153, Institut Fourier, Univ. Grenoble I, September (1991), to appear in J. Differential Geom.
4. Demailly, J.-P.: Monge-Ampère operators, Lelong numbers and intersection theory,Prépub. Inst. Fourier n° 173, Mai (1991), 70p, to appear in the Proceedings “Complex Analysis and Geometry”, CIRM, Trento (Italy), edited by V. Ancona and A. Silva.
5. Demailly, J.-P.: Regularization of closed positive currents and Intersection Theory. J. Alg. Geom. 1 (1992) 361–409.