1. Staccato Communications, Intel and Philips: Demonstration to show future of high-speed wireless USB. MBOA UWB Techzone at CES, CES Las Vegas (2005)
2. Pulse LINK demonstrates UWB wireless, cable and power line communications. In: Global Conference on Ultra Wideband: Demonstrations of new high bandwidth technology showcase opportunities for connected home, Boston, MA (2004)
3. Siriwongpairat, W., Liu, K.: Ultra Wideband Communications Systems - Multiband OFDM Approach. Wiley, New Jersey (2008)
4. European Union: Commission decision of 21 February 2007 on allowing the use of the radio spectrum for equipment using ultra-wideband technology in a harmonised manner in the Community. Official Journal of the European Union (2007)
5. FCC: Revision of part 15 of the Commission’s rules regarding ultra-wideband transmission systems: first report and order. Technical Report (2002)