1. Proc. of the First Int. Top. Meeting on Muon Spin Rotation, Rorschach 1978. Eds. F.N. Gygax, W. Kündig, and P.F. Meier. North Holland Publ. Comp. 1979, and Hyperfine Interactions vol. 6 (1979).
2. Proc. of the Second Int. Top. Meeting on Muon Spin Rotation, Vancouver 1980.
3. A.B. Denison, H. Graf, W. Kündig, and P.F. Meier, Helv. Phys. Acta 52, 460 (1979).
4. P.F. Meier in ?Exotic Atoms '79?, Eds. K. Crowe, J. Duclos, G. Fiorentini, and G. Torelli (Plenum Publ. Corp. 1980).
5. J.H. Brewer, K.M. Crowe, F.N. Gygax, R.F. Johnson, B.D. Patterson, D.G. Fleming, and A. Schenck, Phys. Rev. Lett. 31, 143 (1973).