1. A. Bookstein (1992), Theoretical properties of the informetric distributions: some open questions. In:Informetrics-91. Selected papers from the third International Conference on Informetrics, Bangalore (India),I. K. R. Rao (Ed.), 1991, p. 17–35.
2. S. C. Bradford (1934), Sources of information on specific subjects. Engineering, 137, p. 85–86. Reprinted in:Collection Management, 1, p. 95–103 (1976–1977). Also reprinted in:Journal of Information Science, 10, 148 (facsimile of the first page) and 176–180 (1985).
3. M. K. Buckland, A. Hindle, G. P. M. Walker (1975), Methodological problems in assessing the overlap between bibliographical files and library holdings.Information Processing and Management, 11, 89–105.
4. M. P. Carpenter (1979), Similarity of Pratt's measure of class concentration to the Gini index.Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 30, 108–110.
5. D. De Solla Price (1976), A general theory of bibliometric and other cumulative advantage processes.Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 27, 292–306.