1. White paper on internationally compatible biofuel standards. Tripartite Task Force, Brazil, European Union and United States of America. Dec 2007 http://ec.europa.eu/energy/renewables/biofuels/doc/standard/2007_white_paper_icbs.pdf
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3. Van der Veen AMH, Ent H, Baldan A, da Cunha VS, Daroda RJ, Lang B, Schantz M, Ulberth-Buchgraber M, Held A, Hearn R, Brown RJC, Brewer PJ (2012) The BIOREM project—part 3: International interlaboratory comparison for bio-ethanol test methods. Accred Qual Assur. doi: 10/1007/s00769-012-0945-8 (this issue)
4. ISO/IEC 17043 (2010) Conformity assessment—general requirements for proficiency testing. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva
5. ISO Guide 34 (2009) General requirements for the competence of reference materials producers. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva