1. (The years as provided in the references indicate respectively the 1st edition/the last updated edition/the edition used by the author).
2. Ahlgren, A., & Walberg, H. J. (1973). Changing attitudes towards science among adolescents. Nature, 245, 187–190.
3. Aristotle (about 350 B.C./1930). In W. D. Ross (Ed.), The works of Aristotle. Organon and other collected works edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
4. Armstrong, H. E. (1934). The First Frankland Memorial Oration. The Lancastrian Frankland Society. Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, 53(21), 459–466.
5. Berkeley, G. (1705-8/1871/1920). The works of George Berkeley. In four volumes, Vol. I. Oxford: Clarendon Press.