1. Inquiry in science education: International perspectives
2. Abd-El-Khalick, F.: 2005, ‘Modeling Science Classrooms after Scientific Laboratories: Sketching Some Affordances and Constraints Drawn from Examining Underlying Assumptions’, NSF Inquiry Conference Proceedings, http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~rgrandy/NSFConSched.html
3. Data, Instruments, and Theory
4. Bell, P.: 2005, ‘Inquiry as Inscriptional Work: A Commentary on Norris and Phillips’, NSF Inquiry Conference Proceedings, http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~rgrandy/NSFConSched.html
5. Bordeaux, J.: 2005, ‘A Commentary on “Engineering Pedagogical Reform” by Dan Edelson’, NSF Inquiry Conference Proceedings, http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~rgrandy/NSFConSched.html