1. Shay, H. and Gershon-Cohen, J.: Experimental Studies in Gastric Physiology in Man; Roles of Acid and Alkali.Surg. Gyn. and Obst., 58, 935–955, 1934.
2. Shay, H. and Gershon-Cohen, J.: The Mechanism of Gastric Evacuation After Partial Gastrectomy as Demonstrated Roentgenologically.Amer. Jour. Digest. Dis. and Nutrit., 2, 608, 1936.
3. Johnston, C. G. and Ravdin, I. S.: The Effect of Varying Concentrations of Glucose on the Emptying Time of the Stomach Both Normal and After Various Gastric Operations.Ann. Surg., 101, 500, Jan., 1935.
4. Cerqua, S.: The Part Played by the Splanchnic Innervation in the Emptying of the Stomach.Jour. Physiol., 84, 232, 1935.
5. Gershon-Cohen, J. and Shay, H.: Experimental Studies in Gastric Physiology in Man. III. A Study of Pyloric Control: The Role of Milk and Cream in Normal Subjects and in Those with Quiescent Duodenal Ulcer. To be published inAmer. Jour. Roentgoenology, 38, 427, Sept., 1937.