1. V. V. Bezotosnyi, A. P. Bogatov, L. M. Dolginov, A. E. Drakin, P. G. Eliseev, M. G. Mil'vidskii, B. N. Sverdlov, and E. G. Shevchenko, ?Injection heterlasers based on GaIn·PAs/InP,? Trudy FIAN,141, 18, (1983 (this issue).
2. L. M. Dolginov, P. G. Eliseev, L. V. Druzhinina, M. G. Mil'vidskii and B. N. Sverdlov, ?New uncooled injection heterolaser in the 1.5-to 1.8-?m band,? Kvantovaya Élektron. (Moscow),3, 465?466 (1976).
3. Ya. A. Aarik, L. M. Dolginov, A. E. Drakin, L. V. Druzhinina, P. G. Eliseev, P. A. Lyuk, B. N. Sverdlov, V. A. Skripkin, and Ya. K. Fridental, ?Properties of injection heterolasers based on AlGaAsSb/GaSb in the wavelength band1.4?1.8 ?m,? Kvantovaya Élektron. (Moscow),7, 91?96 (1980).
4. L. M. Dolginov, L. V. Druzhinina, P. G. Eliseev, A. P. Lapshin, M. G. Mil'vidskii, and B. N. Sverdlov, ?Injection laser based on the solid solution InGaSbAs,? Kvantovaya Élektron. (Moscow),5, 720 (1978).
5. L. M. Dolginov, L. V. Druzhinina, P. G. Eliseev, M. G. Mil'vidskii, B. N. Sverdlov, and E. G. Shevchenko, ?Luminescent properties of heterostructures, and light-emitting diodes based on multicomponent solid solutions for the 1-to2-?m band,? Krat. Soobshch. Fiz. FIAN, No. 8, 20?33 (1976).