1. I. W. Herbst andB. Simon:Phys. Lett.,78 B, 304 (1978);80, B, 433 (1979).
2. F. Dyson:Phys. Rev.,85, 631 (1952).
3. F. Calogero:Phys. Rev.,139, B 602 (1965).
4. The basic reference is:T. Kato:Perturbation Theory of Linear Operators (Berlin, 1966). See also:M. Reed andB. Simon:Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics.—IV:Analysis of Operators (New York, N. Y., 1978);B. Simon:Ann. Phys.,58, 76 (1970);
5. W. M. Greenelee:Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.,34, 143 (1969).