1. LE BALLEUR J.C.-Von Karman Institute Lecture Series 1982-04, Computational Fluid Dynamics (1982)
2. LE BALLEUR J.C.-Springer-Verlag, Proceed. Numerical and Physical Aspects of Aerodynamic Flows II, I. Cebeci ed., Chapter 13, p. 259–284, (1983–84)
3. LE BALLEUR J.C.-Pineridge Press, Recent Advances in Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol 3 “Viscous flow Computational Methods”, W.G. Habashi ed., (1984)
4. LE BALLEUR J.C.-AGARD-CP-351, Paper l, (1983)
5. CARTER J.E., VATSA V.N.-Springer Verlag, Proceed. 8th ICNMFD, Lecture notes in Physics, (1982)