1. M. Abramovici, Y. H. Levendel, and P. R. Menon, ”A Logic Simulation Machine” ACM IEEE Nineteenth Design Automation Conference Proceedings pp 65–73
2. Tom Blank, Mark Stefik, William vanCleemput ”A Parallel Bit Map Processor Architecture for DA Algorithms” ACM IEEE Eighteenth Design Automation Conference Proceedings pp 837–845
3. Dah-Juh Chyan and Melvin A. Breuer, ”A Placement Algorithm for Array Processors” ACM IEEE 20th Design Automation Conference Proceedings pp 182–188
4. M. M. Denneau, ”The Yorktown Simulation Engine” CM IEEE Nineteenth Design Automation Conference Proceedings pp 55–59
5. A. Iosupovici, C. King, and M. Breuer, ”A Module Interchange Machine” ACM IEEE 20th Design Automation Conference Proceedings pp 171–174