1. P.M. Zwetsloot, E.R. Sampson, and M. Thorpe, “An Alternative Ther- mal Spray Method for Aircraft Power Plant Overhaul,” paper presented at ASME Conference, The Hague, The Netherlands, 1993, p 175–180
2. R.H. Unger and W.D. Grossklaus, A Comparison of the Technical Prop- erties of Arc Sprayed Versus Plasma Sprayed Nickel-5 Aluminum, Proc. 28th Annual Aerospace/Airline Plating and Metal Finishing Forum and Exposition, S AE International, 1992
3. E.R. Sampson, Economics of Arc Spray vs. Plasma for Aircraft Com- ponents, Thermal Spray Coatings: Research, Design and Appli- cations, C.C. Berndt and T.F. Bernecki, Ed., ASM International, 1993, p 257–262