1. Brazier, F.M.T., Treur, J., Wijngaards, N.J.E., and Willems, M. Formal specification of hierarchically (de)composed tasks. In: Gaines, B.R. and Musen, M. (eds.), Proc. of the 9th Banff Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop, Vol. 2, pp. 25/1–25/20, SRDG Publications, Deptartment of Computer Science, University of Calgary, 1995.
2. Brazier, F.M.T., Treur, J., Wijngaards, N.J.E., and Willems, M. Temporal semantics of complex reasoning tasks. In: Gaines, B.R. and Musen, M. (eds.), Proc. of the 10th Banff Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop, Vol. 1, pp. 15/1–15/17, SRDG Publications, Deptartment of Computer Science, University of Calgary, 1996. Extended version to appear in Data and Knowledge Engineering.
3. Cornelissen, F., Jonker, C. and Treur, J. Compositional verification of knowledge-based systems: A case study for diagnostic reasoning. In: Proc. European Knowledge Acquisition Workshop EKAW'97, Springer-Verlag, 1997 (this volume).
4. Ricart, G. and Agrawala, A.K. An optimal algorithm for mutual exclusion in computer networks. Comm. ACM, Vol. 24(1), pp. 9–17, Jan. 1981.
5. Brazier, F.M.T., Van Eck, P.A.T. and Treur, J. Modelling cooperative behaviour for resource access in a compositional multi-agent framework. In: Fiadeiro, J.L. and Schobbens, P.-Y. (eds.) Proc. 2nd Workshop of the ModelAge Project, ModelAge'96, Universidade de Lisboa, 1996.