1. Hallett, J., 1976 a: Measurement of size, concentration and structure of atmospheric particulates, by the airborne continuous particle replicator. Air Force Geophys. Lab. Rep. No. AFGL-TR-76-0149.
2. Hallett, J., 1976b: Cloud particle replicator for use on a pressurized aircraft. Part 1-operating manual. Supp. to Air Force Geophys. Lab. Rep. No. AFGL-TR-76-0149.
3. Jayaratne, E. R., 1981: Laboratory studies of thunderstorm electrification. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Manchester, 123 pp.
4. Jayaratne, E. R., Saunders, C. P. R., Hallett, J., 1983: Laboratory studies of the charging of soft hail during ice crystal interactions,Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc.,109, 609?630.
5. Keith, W. D., 1987. Thunderstorm Electrification. Ph.D. Thesis, UMIST, Manchester, 269 pp.