1. Department of Surgery Iwate Medical University 2‐1‐1 Idaidori 028‐3695 Yahaba Iwate Japan
AbstractBackgroundStudies on pure laparoscopic donor hepatectomy (PLDH) have been reported. However, only few studies have reported on the learning curve of PLDH. In this report, we aimed to determine the learning curve of PLDH in adult patients using cumulative sum (CUSUM) and risk‐adjusted CUSUM (RA‐CUSUM) analyses.MethodsThe data of donors who underwent PLDH at a single center between December 2012 and May 2022 were retrospectively reviewed. The learning curve was evaluated using the CUSUM and RA‐CUSUM methods based on surgery duration.ResultsForty‐eight patients were finally included in the present study. The mean operation time was 393.6 ± 80.3 min. PLDH was converted to laparotomy in three cases (6.3%). According to the Clavien–Dindo classification, nine cases (18.8%) had higher‐than‐grade III postoperative complications and the most frequent complications were biliary complications. The CUSUM graph shows two peaks, at the 13th and 27th case. The multivariate analysis revealed that a body mass index ≥ 23 kg/m2 and intraoperative cholangiography were the only factors that were independently associated with longer operation time. Based on these results, an RA‐CUSUM analysis was performed to assess the learning curve, which showed a decrease in the learning curve after 33 to 34 PLDH procedures.ConclusionsA learning curve effect was demonstrated in this study after 33 to 34 PLDH procedures. There are relatively many biliary complications, and it is necessary to further examine the method of bile duct transection.