1. Altman, DG, Machin, D, Bryant, TN, et al. (2000), Statistics with Confidence, 2nd ed., BMJ Books, London, (including CIA software)
2. Altman, DG (2000) “Confidence intervals” In: Sackett, DL, Straus, S, Richardson, WS (editors), Evidence-based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach EBM, 2nd ed., Churchill-Livingstone, Edinburgh, pp 233-243
3. Open Mesh versus Laparoscopic Mesh Repair of Inguinal Hernia
4. Laparoscopic resection of rectosigmoid carcinoma: prospective randomised trial
5. Adenoidectomy versus chemoprophylaxis and placebo for recurrent acute otitis media in children aged under 2 years: randomised controlled trial