1. A. L. Gonor, M. A. Zubin, and N. A. Ostapenko, ?Experimental investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics of star-shaped bodies at supersonic velocities,? in: Nonequilibrium Gas Flows and Optimal Shapes of Bodies in a Supersonic Stream [in Russian], Izd. Mosk. Un., Moscow (1978), p. 28.
2. A. A. Gusarov, V. M. Dvoretskii, M. Ya. Ivanov, V. A. Levin, and G. G. Chernyi, ?Theoretical and experimental investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics of three-dimensional bodies,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. Gaza, No. 3 (1979).
3. G. G. Chernyi and A. L. Gonor, ?The determination of body shapes of minimum drag using the Newton and the Busemann pressure laws,? Paper presented at the Symposium of Extremal Problems in Aerodynamics, Boeing Scientific Research Laboratories, Seattle, Washington (1962).
4. A. L. Gonor, ?Three-dimensional bodies of least drag at high supersonic velocities,? Prikl. Mat. Mekh.,27, 185 (1963).
5. A. L. Gonor, ?Conical bodies of least drag in a hypersonic gas stream,? Prikl. Mat. Mekh.,28, 383 (1964).