1. “Metal Progress Data Sheet: Properties and Applications of Special Stainless Steels,”Metal Progress, October 1981, vol. 120, pp. 61-85.
2. 1982 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, 1982, Part 3, A240-81a, pp. 111-20.
3. V.K. Sikka, H.E. McCoy, Jr., M.K. Booker, and C.R. Brinkman:J. Pressure Vessel Technology, 1975, vol. 97, pp. 243–51.
4. NRIM Creep Data Sheet No. 4A, National Research Institute for Metals, Tokyo, Japan, 1978.
5. N.C. Binkley, R.G. Berggren, and G.M. Goodwin:Welding J., 1974, vol. 53, pp. 915–55.