1. Katalin Balázs, Approximation by Bernstein type rational functions,Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar.,26 (1975), 123–134.
2. Katalin Balázs, Approximation by Bernstein type rational functions and its relation to probability theory,MTA III. Oszt. Közl.,23 (1974), 41–68 (in Hungarian with English summary).
3. Catherine Balázs and J. Szabados, Approximation by Bernstein type rational functions. II,Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar.,40 (1982), 331–337.
4. J. Gróf, Approximation on the whole real axis by power series with weight function,Mat. Lapok,29 (1977–1981), 161–170 (in Hungarian with Russian and German summary).
5. V. Totik, Saturation for Bernstein type rational functions,Acta Math. Hungar.,43 (1984), 219–250.