1. K. Arnold and J. Gosling. The Java Programming Language. Addison-Wesley, 1996. 130
2. M. P. Atkinson, K. J. Chisholm, and W. P. Cockshott. PS-algol: an Algol with a Persistent Heap. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 17(7):24–31, July 1982. 133
3. M. P. Atkinson, L. Daynès, M. J. Jordan, T. Printezis, and S. Spence. An Orthogonally Persistent Java. SIGMOD Record (ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data), 25(4):68–75, December 1996. 129, 130, 131
4. M. P. Atkinson and M. J. Jordan. Issues Raised by Three Years of Developing P Jama: An Orthogonally Persistent Platform for JavaTM. In Proceedings of ICDT’99, Jerusalem, Israel, January 1999. 130, 131
5. M. P. Atkinson, M. J. Jordan, L. Daynés, and S. Spence. Design Issues for Persistent Java: a Type-Safe Object-Oriented Orthogonally Persistent System. In Proceedings of POS’7, Cape May, New Jersey, USA, May 1996. 129, 130, 131