1. P. Crandall, R. Aydt, A. Chien, D. Reed, Input-Output Characteristics of Scalable Parallel Applications, In Proceedings of Supercomputing’ 95, ACM Press, Dec. 1995,
2. Ulrich Detert, High-Performance I/O on Cray T3E, 40th Cray User Group Conference, June 1998.
3. Lect Notes Comput Sci;P. M. Dickens,1998
4. Peter W. Haas, Scalability and Performance of Distributed I/O on Massively Parallel Processors, 40th Cray User Group Conference, June 1998.
5. Terry Jones, Alice Koniges, R. Kim Yates, Performance of the IBM General Parallel File System, to be published in Proceedings of the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, May 2000. Also available as UCRL JC135828.